Recruitment and Didactic Excellence Centre

About us

  • Recruitment: recrutation system, support for candidates and the Recruitment Committee , preparing legal acts drafts
  • Candidates with disabilities: www.uni.lodz.pl/strefa-kandydata/wsparcie/wsparcie-dla-kandydatow-z-niepelnosprawnosciami
  • Students disciplinary matters: support for the Disciplinary Proceedings Representatives, the Disciplinary Committee for Students Affairs, the Disciplinary Appeal Committee for Students.
  • Congratulatory letters and medals „for glorious studies”.
  • Central matriculation.
  • Quality of education; study programmes, substantive and administrative service for the University Councilfor the Quality of Education..
  • The Scholarship of the Marshal of Lodz Voivodship, the Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Award of the Marshal of Lodz Voivodship
  • Health care for students and doctoral students (Doctoral Schools).
  • Graduation diplomas/Diploma Supplements, the Central Book of Diplomas.
  • Substantive and administrative services for the Didactic and Students Affairs Committee and the Committee for Study Regulations.
  • Record keeping of directions nad specialisations conducted at the University of Lodz; records of accreditations of the Polish Acreditation Committee.
  • Matters connected with studies and payments; guidance, interpretation of regulations, substantive support for the Dean’s offices, preparing drafts of the University legal acts.
  • Teacher’s education and field-specific internships for students; cooperation with the Rector’s plenipotentiaries.
  • Postgraduate studies: preparing legal acts drafts, verification of study programs drafts, reports for GUS .
  • The University - wide classes.
  • MOST – the exchange programme -students -coordination within the University of Lodz.
  • Distance learning and ensuring access to the new learning methods; the Committee for Didactic Improvement.
  • Supporting Academic Teachers in improving their teaching competences - Didactic Excellence Team.
  • Keeping a register of members of the Association of Tutors of the University of Lodz and administrative support for the university tutoring coordinator.
  • POLON – entering data on fields of study, reporting EN-1 and GUS postgraduate studies.

Contact details

Recruitment and Didactic Excellence Centre

  • Uniwersytecka 3 90-136 Łódź
e-mail: www: https://rekrutacja.uni.lodz.pl/pl/
